First of all, I'm happy we voted that Obama guy into the Presidency. I hope it's a real omen of good things to come. I think the first thing he should do in office is replace all these 'panicky investors' with some guys of stronger constitution. I mean, every day I read in the paper that the Dow has just dropped another 600 points because "nervous investors worried about a bleak economic forecast" or whatever. Who are these losers? Find some folks with some serious brass balls and get rid of these wimps! Problem solved.
Meanwhile, my own efforts to lighten the public's burden, trapping feral cats and getting them fixed, has resumed. We picked up a few in Bed Stuy last week, not a great haul but a few are better than none. We'll have to go back, as there are a ton of cats in this neighborhood. We really only caught a bunch of rather tame street cats, not much of a challenge really. But we didn't have a great trapping spot, so we had to try to do it literally on the street corner. In retrospect I guess we did better than one might expect, considering.
This weekend I'll be trapping in Ft Greene behind a library, which should be more fruitful as long as the weather isn't too horrible. We'll be able to leave the traps alone for several hours, which should produce better results. After the get fixed and vaccinated, we let them recover for a few days before returning them. Then ideally, they go back to their lives as before; they just don't make any more cats.

Which brings me to my other hobby: building cat shelters. Does anybody live near a fish market? On trash days, walk by and see if they're tossing out any of those long Styrofoam packing boxes, these make good cat shelters. There's a fish market near me but they don't seem to be going through these as fast as I'd like, so I only have one so far. But you basically cut a hole in it and stuff it with straw and voila. It's not the best cat house, but it'll do!
One Comment
This is great.