Malibu and her kittens have all moved on! It took just over 3 months, which seems both like a long time and no time at all. There's no time for us to rest, of course, we've already got another foster in the house, another calico! But more on her later. Here's how the family left when they moved out:
Fiddlesticks & Skyler (now Jia and Joey): These two guys started off as polar opposites: Sklyer was the adventurous sort, climbing and exploring everything he could. Fiddlesticks was the runt we fretted over at first, who eventually caught up in size but was definitely more of a mama's boy. He preferred cuddling over risky exploits on top of the filing cabinet. The two boys moved to Queens together!
Skootch: This beautiful buff kitten moved to Greenpoint with a fiesty 7 month old female cowcat to keep her company (and help her person get some sleep!) They got along almost immediately and love playing and napping together.
Malibu herself was the next to go, she never got along with other cats well so she chose to live with a family and their young pit bull! She's reportedly very happy and has let the dog know exactly who's in charge.
Finally, lovely Eureka held out the longest, we were able to incorporate her into the household, where she learned to get along with a variety of cats. She loved having stairs to climb and other cats to play with, so we were very happy when she moved to a real house in Jersey to live with an adult cat, a cocker spaniel, and a bengal kitten! The older cat is still reluctant to embrace her, but everybody else is doing very well.
I will post updates in a few months, hopefully with photos so we can see how they all look. Malibu is still growing too, so it will be interesting to see what she looks like!
Yay! Nice work! And you moved right on to next! Good luck with Shelby and wonderful work with Malibu and the babes:)
I echo the yay! Great job and I'm looking forward to seeing update photos in a couple of months!
Glad you were able to find homes for all of these babies. I have been following your blog for several years and have been thinking of you guys throughout the hurricane Sandy devestation I am seeing in the media. Just wanted to send my best wishes that hopefully your area was spared the worst of it.
Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I mean to correct that soon. So much has been happening, it all won't fit into one post so I need to parcel them out. In the mean time, you should check out my flickr site, I am constantly adding photos there. Everybody came through the hurricane fine, our neighborhood was mysteriously spared, the power never even went out. We have some survivor's guilt though, so many have been hit so hard, it's hard to believe it's happening in the same city we're in. Thanks for your support!
the flickr site is here: