Jimmy Legs – Got the Jimmy Legs

Author Archives: Jimmy Legs

Bushwick Street Cats, Inc.

In case anybody visits this site now that the last post is a year old: I finally got a nonprofit going to help with the cat work we do. Please head over to our other sites, I'll be posting there from now on. Who knows, maybe Jimmy Legs can go back to being a site […]


Gilda, our most senior lady cat, passed away a few days ago. We miss her but she had let us know it was her time.

Take a number

Here's an inventory of all the cats we have inside the house right now. It's sort of in chronological order. Decatur. My first and only shelter cat, I adopted her from BARC in 2000. She's put up with a lot, but deals with it gracefully. In the past year she had all of her teeth […]

Ride into the sun

After a summer with a lot of rough spots, I was looking forward to a calmer fall. No such luck of course, although the tone of our days has changed a bit. This summer was successful in many respects but we also lost a few good cats along the way. Here's who we lost (this […]

Ten years after

This day, ten years ago, we had a pretty crazy blackout in the city (and some other, lesser places). I'll never forget where I was when the lights went out: in the exam room at Clinton Hill Veterinary Clinic. I was getting two young kittens examined.