January 4, 2013 – 4:13 pm
Now that we've gone through the adoptions for 2012, let's take a look at who we currently have in our adoption stable. This list is always subject to change, not because we're adopting them out so fast, but because some cats have been on it so long we basically consider them residents (I'm looking at you, Marbles). (more…)
January 3, 2013 – 11:53 am
After Malibu & Co. were adopted, we planned for a quiet summer. We said we weren't taking on any new projects, no TNR, no fosters. Then of course, stuff happened. We did a small TNR project in Sunset Park that yielded us a new foster (Shelby), and other cats literally wandered into our lives (Frostbite, Arrow). Of course, tragedy also struck when our foster friend died, and we couldn't help but get swept up in the ensuing work to place all of her cats. That's still going on, but since August we have adopted out 10 cats! That's a new record for us, even though we still have way too many at home. But more on that later. For now, here's the 10 who found new homes since August. (more…)

Last time all the kittens were together
Malibu and her kittens have all moved on! It took just over 3 months, which seems both like a long time and no time at all. There's no time for us to rest, of course, we've already got another foster in the house, another calico! But more on her later. Here's how the family left when they moved out: (more…)

We've been participating in North Brooklyn Cats' weekly adoption events when we have cats or kittens to adopt out. It's been an invaluable resource to get our cats seen by an enthusiastic crowd and I don't know where we'd be (or how many more cats we'd still have) without them. (more…)

Let's catch up! We have been busy with cats and landscaping projects (which are, not coincidentally, cat-related). We took a bunch of cats to the new Glendale, Queens, ASPCA spay/neuter clinic, the newly-opened facility that replaces the mobile clinics. In order to better provide mobile spay services to the public, the ASPCA decided to stop running concurrent vans for both regular folk as well as us feral cat enthusiasts. I guess it makes sense, but there is a big learning curve for the new system, for both us and the ASPCA.