Meet Moe. Because we're TNR-certified, we get email alerts when an eartipped cat comes into Animal Care & Control. Normally this happens when a person traps a feral cat and brings the cat to the pound. When they see the eartip, they know the cat is fixed and may belong to a managed colony. Shelter […]
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Recent Comments
- beate: bless you so much fo...
- Meg: I am so glad you are...
- indee: he shoulda committed...
- Jimmy Legs: whoa, something like...
- indee: Recently, in my neck...
About the site
After years of using a homemade blog script (and then Blogger), I finally made the move to WordPress. Content-wise I mostly whine about work (or lack thereof), or talk about my many, many cats....Contact
jimmy at jimmylegs dot com-