recovery – Got the Jimmy Legs

Tag Archives: recovery

Work the runway, sweetie

Three weeks since Mabel got out of the hospital and she's almost completely back to her old self! She is now playing furiously, running around the house, giving the other cats a hard time. Mabel's back! Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to chip in a few bucks towards her big bills. We […]

Mabel Unchained

Mabel is now out of her crate and free to roam the house. We kept her locked up both for her safety and because until yesterday we had small kittens. Mabel hates kittens with a passion that can only mean she once was a mother herself 🙂 Whatever the reason, kittens have targets on their […]

We can rebuild her

It's been one week since Mabel came home from the AMC after her procedures. For such a small cat, she had a ton of issues! But the balloon dilation and stents seem to be doing the job, she no longer struggles to get air into her lungs. Previously, she looked like a fuzzy bullfrog, her […]

Mabel in recovery

Mabel is one of our several cats, she came to us as a foster but we decided she gets to spend her life with us. We decided this partially because she has a lot of health problems that need addressing. Here's what she's had done so far: Treatment for giardia Treatment for severe ringworm Multiple […]

The lights look bright when you reach outside

Our foster kitten Lefty may have FIP. He had been recovering from an especially bad upper respiratory illness which required the use of a nebulizer and a battery of meds. He pulled through and seemed almost back to normal by Friday night. After he had some food, he napped on the couch with us. About […]