tame – Got the Jimmy Legs

Tag Archives: tame

Moe Problems

Meet Moe. Because we're TNR-certified, we get email alerts when an eartipped cat comes into Animal Care & Control. Normally this happens when a person traps a feral cat and brings the cat to the pound. When they see the eartip, they know the cat is fixed and may belong to a managed colony. Shelter […]

Drive away to Malibu

We mostly try to focus on TNR, finding colonies of feral cats and getting them all fixed up and returned. When we leave, everything is essentially the same, but the cats do not reproduce and are (we hope) healthier and happier than before. This solves one part of the multi-faceted problem of cat population control. […]

For your entertainment

Let's catch up! We have been busy with cats and landscaping projects (which are, not coincidentally, cat-related). We took a bunch of cats to the new Glendale, Queens, ASPCA spay/neuter clinic, the newly-opened facility that replaces the mobile clinics. In order to better provide mobile spay services to the public, the ASPCA decided to stop […]